Wearable Object - Water glasses Final object

 My initial wireframe look proved to be super difficult without the use of grasshopper, so I decided to change my initial design a bit and make it more curved. I used a variety of tools to get different levels and water look. I used loft to create the arms of the glasses, and I used sweep to close off the ends, and every now and again, I used Edge surface.

The front of the glasses was the hardest part. I had a hard time figuring out our to make the levels move up and down throughout. Finally, I managed it by using sweep2.


         The final product turned out to be super cool! I love the look and would totally wear these!

When I uploaded it into Shapeways, it all cleared pretty well. There were very minor questionable areas but barely.  It was the tiniest hole that I didn't think it would need to be filled to be printed


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